Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How To: DIY Silhouette

                         Simple DIY Project

This is such a simple easy project and one you can get your kiddos involved in making these as well.

You will need:
Watercolor paper(thicker paper)
Acrylic paint
Brushes(can be super cheap)
Camera and somewhere to print the picture on basic printer paper

Step 1:
Take photo of your subject

Step 2:
Print out on 8.5x11 paper. Nothing fancy. Just make sure your print setting say "Fit Paper" or "Full size" this will give you a larger print out and not a typical 4x6

Step 3:
Cut out picture

Step 4:
Trace on paper

Step 5:
Use paint to color in subject

Step 6:

Thursday, April 19, 2018

My Amazing Cousin: Travel With 5 Kids Using Only Backpacks

I have an incredible cousin who has five kids(4 girls and 1 boy, just like me!)
She has always inspired me to travel and have fun with my kids. Last year she traveled
to Europe with her kids and they did it all with backpacks! This year she has another
big trip and I loved learning how she does her packing She was willing to share some
pictures and answer some question on how she accomplishes this big job and
simplifies her traveling so she can enjoy her trip more with her kids.

The last year few years we've traveled to Florida for a week and accomplished it
with only backpacks. This year we'll be doing California and doing backpacks again.
It is amazing how it simplifies traveling, no waiting around for luggage, no worries
about lost luggage and kids can normally carry their own bag. I think it's a huge
help if you're changing accommodations too.

Maybe one of these days my counsin and I can do a trip with all our kids together.
That would make quite a site. 2 moms + 10 kids with only backpacks:)

Amber: How long are you traveling for?
Nancy: 22 days

Amber: What types of activities will you be doing on your trip?
Nancy: Activities include sightseeing in big city so lots of walking and parks for
playgrounds of Vancouver. Hiking a bit in mountains around lake Banff.
Alaska cruise panning  for gold in little creeks/river , touring port towns,
possibly visiting glaciers. Pools possibly on cruise boat.

Amber: How many adults, how many kids(ages)?
Nancy: How many adults and kids All of Canada there is 3 adults
5 Kids Emma 17, grace 13, Kennedy 10, Charlotte 5, Nicholas 18 months.
Alaska cruise Dan heads home and it’s a girls trip plus Nicholas

Amber: How often do you plan to do laundry while traveling?
Nancy: Total length of trip is 22 days so we plan laundry approx every
7 days local laundromat. So twice during the trip. Spot clean if needed
in sinks and hang to dry in room

Amber: Do you have your kids wear once and then wash or wear
until they are dirty?
Nancy: Kids wear clothes approx 2-3 times each. Depending on spills and dirt.
This trip has cool climate so they don’t sweat as much. I’d take a totally different
type of clothing to Caribbean. More dry fit stuff for that kind of trip

Amber: What types of layers do you pack?
Nancy: All things can be mixed and matched. Every single piece goes together
no matter the combo. Can layer leggings under the dress or the jeans if needed.
Shirts can also layer or cardigan over shirt then the jacket for warmth. Jacket has
a hood and is water resistant so good in case of rain. Jacket also folds up into its
pocket so when out exploring we use 1 backpack to take jackets in and pull them
out as needed
Jacket is from Land's End called a Packable Primaloft and it's on sale right now!

Amber: How many outfits?
Nancy: How many outfits. So 3 shirts 3 bottoms potentially 9 outfits not counting
layering leggings under the dress for a new look which makes 10 outfits you can
make. Pants and leggings can also be rolled to make capris if it’s warmer

Amber: How many underwear, socks, pjs, shoes do you pack?
Nancy: pack 7 underwear 7 socks 2 shoes 1 pj. A tennis shoe and some sort of
sandal probably some sort of crocs for this trip. I plan to spray tennis shoes with
waterproof stuff because Vancouver gets a lot of rain.  Also the reason for the crocs.
Lots of rain

Amber: Are there any extra things you pack in your backpack that the kids use?
If so, what items and how much?
Nancy: Extras is a biggie. My bag and my husbands and oldest daughters bags
carry extras.
We carry the:

toothpaste 1-2 tube travel size
Leave in conditioner
Lush foot powder amazing for smelly feet!
Deodorant travel size
Makeup and face wash
Brush and hair ties
Sunscreen travel size
Travel documents
We use hotel shampoo and conditioners and soaps and use leave in conditioner
to help with tangles from not great shampoo. Also I may take baby soap for the baby.
I have organic soap pieces instead of liquid so no spills and smaller. If we run out
of toothpaste we get it from hotel as we go or grocery store. Diapers and wipes.
I only take enough to get me there and through first night. I buy as I go so never
have to carry a ton.

Amber: Do your kids hate only have a few things to wear?
Nancy: Kids have no problem wearing same things. It’s easier on them and
me because there is no other options. It’s all they have.

Amber: Have you always been this way with packing?
Nancy: No haven’t always been this way with packing. The more kids I had the
more hands I needed and it became necessity. I can’t carry and move 5 tons of
luggage. Also depending on travel arrangements last year we did a ton of train travel
in Europe with quick changes of trains up and down stairs and platforms. It’s too hard
to move even small rolling luggage for 7 people and not forget one. Kids carry their
own backpack and I have hands to strap baby on and carry my own. Also I take a
stroller still.

Mesh Bags from Rick Steves

Backpack is a 31 One and the first time she is using this style.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Before & After Closet Makeover

Every mother I speak to says that the greatest encouragement is seeing how other mother's lives are transformed by minimizing the amount of stuff they deal with every day.

I recently had a mom come over to see how my closets look, and believe me they are far from perfect and I'm always looking for ways to improve. But I know being able to see the simplicity helps us to be able to realize that tackling these projects is worth the effort and it's possible!

Here is a before and after of someone from one of the Mother's of Preschooler's Groups where I spoke recently.

Amber T. "I actually went through the clothes 2-3 times. The first time I went through them, I got rid of anything that she hasn’t worn all month, had a stain, or was getting tight. The second time I went through them, I had my sister help me. Having a second set of eyes REALLY helped! And then, once I had all of her clothes cleaned and hung up, and the closet organized, I went through them one more time ðŸ˜¬"

Friday, March 30, 2018

Girls, friends, and getting along

One of my daughter's had a moment the other day. Every woman knows about those moments when girls are getting along great and then the next they hate each other. We had friends over and of course three girls wanted to play something and one girl didn't want anything to do with it. Two out of the bunch attempted to include her but she didn't want anything to do with their plans. As the mom I discovered later she went off by herself to play with the cat with the hopes that some how the other girls would miss her, beg her to come back, and then miraculously without her saying a word would know what she wanted to play and what she was feeling. That of course didn't happen and she resorted to going to her room to feel sorry for herself.

I know every woman has been there. The moments when everyone is doing something you have no desire to do. The times you just don't fit with the group. The moments you can't relate to anything they are doing or saying. We have choices to make at those times just like my daughter did. Sometimes we sulk around hoping someone will notice, or maybe they'll finally include me, or maybe they'll miraculously want to do the things I like doing. The fact is that is rarely going to happen. People are not mind readers and most often they are busy with their own projects, worries, and concerns that they aren't even aware of your struggle.

I told my daughter that there is nothing wrong with not wanting to play what everyone else is playing. BUT, you have to give people alternatives. The game of give and take. Life doesn't always go our way with friendships. We give a little, we take a little. I shared with her that in the end you're never forced to play with anyone. We all have choices in relationships. In this particular situation with this child I knew she was more embarrassed by how she responded and she didn't want to go back to playing and have everyone look at her. I told her it was time to wipe her eyes, accept that it was ok to feel embarrassed and know that the longer she took to resolve the problem the more embarrassed she would feel. I told her there are times we have to choose to be kind even when we don't feel like it. This particular child struggles with expressing her thoughts to others. She'd rather have people guess what she is thinking. This was that time to help her realize that in order to have friends she'd have to give a little, but also learn to express her needs and desires to others. Sometimes as women I find in our friendships we don't often express our needs to others in our relationships. We just get frustrated that "nobody gets me", when in reality no one even knew they weren't "getting you".

This was a reminder to myself that with relationships it's ok that sometimes you just don't "fit". In life we have to find friends where there is give and take. If we're always in situations where it is all take and no give we become dry and drained of energy. One day at a time I'm learning there are times to let go of certain relationships that aren't beneficial and there are times when you know your place is to only give. The goal is finding that balance. I'm slowly learning to accept times and places in my life that certain relationships aren't my fit. It doesn't make those relationships bad, it's just not where I belong.

Just as I encouraged my daughter to not become frustrated with those not wanting to play her game. In my own relationships I'm learning as well that there is a time to keep and a time to let go. We have to teach our daughters to let others be themselves and if that isn't the game they want to play then find the people that do want to play your game but never become frustrated with those who are not like you.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Before & After Closet Make Over

One of the mom's that attended my Organizing Outside The Box session is allowing me to share her before and after photos and what she learned along the way.

Notes from Trisha D: I only used her pink plastics hangers, looks so much neater. I really just thought “if I’m not using it I should donate it” she is our 3rd child and we are not having anymore. I would definitely suggest when your kids outgrow clothes don’t save them and let them pile up like I did. I had from birth to 3T and it took me forever to match up outfits and bag according to size. I wanted to make it easier for the Foster Closet to go through. I’m going to be donating right away when she outgrows clothes from now on. This was so much work, but I feel amazingly accomplished today. I did my own closet this weekend. I’ll post pics later ðŸ˜‰. Thanks for all your tips Amber. They are really helping.

SO much more space!!! Easier to find things and much easier to keep up on laundry. Way to Trisha D!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Bathroom drawers....Spend 30 min Today!

Bathroom Drawers:

It’s amazing what collects in the hidden dark corners of these cabinets. In fact I’ve cleaned
mine out before Christmas and if I check them today I'll probably find that needs to go.
Kids(and even mothers) love to hide all sorts of treasures in these cabinets. Expired items,
pregnancy tests, tampons brands that I hate and don’t use, toothbrush drawer that has pink stuff
slimed all over it, and nail polish that doesn’t work, and face creams I forget to use. 
Time to clean it out!!!  Remember set your timer for 30 minutes and then stop. Tips:

  • Find any expired items and pitch them!
  • Determine whether your kids need new toothbrushes and get rid of the old ones.
  • Toiletries: determine whether you need them and if they even work for you
  • Anything you haven’t used in the last 6 months you probably don’t need
  • If you keep medicine in any of your drawers please get rid of anything that
doesn’t work for you or is expired
  • Determine what things are ending up in the cabinet and if they SHOULD be there.
  • If they SHOULD be in the cabinet create an organized space for it.
  • Come up with a basic cleaning supply list if you keep your bathroom supplies in the cabinet.
No duplicates, just the essentials. Example: 1 toilet bowl cleaner, 1 shower cleaner,
1 floor cleaner, 1 cleaner for counters(sometimes you can even use the shower cleaner
for your sink and countertops depending on the sink/countertop material), 1 mirror cleaner product.
At the most you should have 5 products….no more :)

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Kitchen Update

Here's a few pictures of the kitchen progress on our remodel. Still a few more projects to go, but it's getting there! I hope to post my DIY pot rack and shelf I made that is going on the right side of our stove. After this crazy week of speaking in three different places and my husband speaking twice this week I should hopefully have some time to finish up this project :)

Pantry with our barn door. Found a great price for the hardware on Ebay. Love how my storage over the fridge is inside our pantry. Save us from spending money on a cabinet too :)                                        Love our backsplash tile. It's a great statement piece and fits with our cottage/farmhouse. Super easy to install these 18"x18" tiles that we purchased on Wayfair

Love my wall art over our fireplace from 

The ten-item wardrobe | Jennifer L. Scott | TEDxStGeorge

Minimizing the Wardrobe!...where to start

Here are a few tips I shared yesterday while speaking at a Mother's of Preschoolers group....


  • Box things up - don’t give them away until you have a good plan

  • With younger children pick things you like

  • Older children: have them help you select the items they keep out

  • In Michigan think in terms of layers - short sleeves can be used in the winter

  • Once you take the leap you begin to feel the freedom


Monday, January 22, 2018

Decor has meaning...

Mixing old with new...wooden brain teaser mixed in with a table center piece. 

Most women find themselves in the clearance section finding little things to put on shelves, trinkets for a table and something to put on a wall. Unfortunately, that means whatever was popular 6 months ago defines what is significant to you. Our decor should reflect meaning and significance. We should be surrounded by small reminders all around of us memories of days gone by, of things we cherish, hobbies, and above all else the things we love. 

Why a dog, teapot, and horseshoes? Sort of a strange collection of items. Yet, they all go together. My grandmother's teapot that reminds me of afternoon teatimes with her. The horseshoe is a brain teaser. You'll find brain teasers throughout our home. My husband is a huge fan. I keep them in fun places where guests would sit. Kitchen table or island, coffee tables and even sometimes in the bathroom. Last is an antique Newfoundland dog nut cracker. I raised Newfies for many years. 

Nate Berkus put it this way in an ABC news article "I think things do matter," he said. "Obviously people are important. They're more important, but things really do matter. They're what we touch every single day. They're what we surround ourselves with." 

And sometimes you just need a few new things that give you a chuckle and tie things together. This little piece of art work gave me a laugh because this is SO ME!

I have yet to read Nate Berkus' book "The Things That Matter".  Next on my Amazon purchase list :)